Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Night

Well with such an early morning and no nap, by the time we head to Papa's this crowd was pooped. Once the whole gang gets there, we get energized once again and those presents didn't stand a chance!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas DAY!!

She woke up EARLY this year! Lot's of excitement and anticipation! Just the thought of that scooter that she had be asking for the past six months made her squeal with delight...Not o mention that castle that she threw on the list at the last minute!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Got up a little late this morning and we were all moving a little slow, but we finally made it out the door and headed to Grantsboro to see grandma! Sophie was so excited just to see everyone and is now a pro at opening presents. Remembering the last couple of Christmases where you had to coach her into opening the next present because she just wanted to play with the one she just opened!
Anyway, we returned home that evening to bake Santa's cookies. Man what a sugar rush Santa's gonna have this Christmas!!

Christmas with Neenie


Last week we were able to sit in on one of Sophie's dance classes! She loves it so much and I really injoyed getting a little peek into what she's been learning in there. Very impressed, if I do say so myself!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Oh what a Wonderful Child

I captured the last few verses....I think this was my favorite part of the whole program!

Tis the Season!

That was the name of Sophie's first Christmas play. And she was not loving that sheep costume!! But except for that minor detail, everything went great. This was also my first year, along with Shelly, to do the background for the play. It was alot of work, but when it was all said and done we were both very pleased with the outcome:)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Town

Our second annual trip to Busch Garden's Christmas Town...hoping this will be a new family tradition as it really just sits the mood for the season. Complete with a Santa that knows the true meaning of Christmas. After spending some time in deep conversation with Sophie he then motioned for William to lend his ear. Confirming what we already knew that our daughter was a gift from God and that we are blessed! REALLY love that Santa! Family picture taken in "France". One of my favorite countries.

Neenie and Sophie taking a little break while Daddy and Taylor give the roller coaster a try. Wish I had taken a picture of their hair when they got off!!

Our two favorite girls!!

It was starting to get really crowded, so I didn't get the best photo in the penguin excursion.