Next it was time for some water fun and since mother nature wanted to be hard to get along with that day, we hit the indoor pool. Swimming and splashing, the girls had a blast. Savannah started to get a little "sleepy tired" and it looked like the rain was gonna let up so we headed to the beach to kinda perk Savannah up and hit some waves, but that only lasted a short while as mother nature struck again!
Then it was back to the condo for some indoor play time and spaghetti for dinner! It was so nice and relaxing to sit back and talk while the kids played. We took our niece Taylor with us and she loves kids. (wants to teach) And they love her. I was surprised at how quickly Savannah seemed to take to her. While we were inside Savannah and Sophie caught the huggin' bug. They were so cute. Wish we had gotten more pictures and honestly we tried but they just wouldn't stay still long enough. Savannah also gave Sophie some cute gifts while we were there. One is the BFF shirt you see them wearing in the picture. Another was a bucket and shovel for a little beach time that we weren't able to get in BUT there's always next year! Anyway, this morning Sophie grabbed her bucket, got in the truck, and this is kinda how it went. " Moma, I'm gonna see Vannah, ok." Notice the period, not a question mark. "Not today baby. We have to go to PaPa's today." Then Sophie replays with a "Oh no. There's no Vannah at Papa's." and pointing to her bucket. "We need sand!" Needless to say, one day was just not enough for Miss Sophie!! The time just flew by. I'm looking forward to our next visit! We feel very blessed to be able to keep in touch with some of our travel buddies. There is honestly a bond there like no other. Until next time..........